Really, why Empty Vessels?
I first came face to Face with the Potter some years ago, while I was busy building my bridge to hell (only I wasn't aware that that is exactly what I was doing). I was making sure each section of this bridge had my name inscribed on it; that no one else could claim it as their own or pass it off as their work. And my name was written all over it. All my efforts to rid myself of evil (thoughts, feelings, deeds) and reach total realization were plastered on this bridge; a bridge, I was told and I believed, every human needed to build in order to get to where the benevolent and fulfilled individuals 'lived' (the 'realized'). I toiled earnestly to build a sturdy and lasting bridge - perhaps others could use it as an example and follow too.
After some time, though, I noticed that this bridge was not reaching the other side, for the more that I added to this bridge, the more distance I needed to cover to reach nirvana. I tried loving others, I tried being compassionate toward others, I tried putting others before me, but this bridge was not closing the gap! What was I to do?
Crying in desperation, I failed to notice the apparition of a light that was approaching me steadily. The first question I thought was: what is this light? Then, almost instantaneously, it came upon me that I was building the bridge in the dark - no wonder I was not advancing! As the light came closer to me, I noticed there were forms (on what I perceived was the floor) in the shape of potato sacks all around me. I also noticed that my bridge, the bridge on which I had spent my life, was non-existent - it wasn't there at all! Nothing made sense. What were my hands feeling when I was building? And what were those sacks around me?
The light continued to approach me and my eye sight was much better, so much so that my eyes were showing me what I was surrounded by - death. The potato sack forms were people. Worms were crawling out of their mouths, cockroaches coming out of their ears, green mould on their skin. Fear invaded me. I was among the dead and now this light was almost upon me; it would surely kill me (if I was not dead already).
In front of me stood a simple and gentle Man. His hands were dirty, they were covered in clay; yet, I was able to see very clearly that both hands had scars, well defined scars. I feared He would speak and that His voice would kill me, but when He spoke to me it was like the sound of soft rain: gentle, soothing, cleansing. He said He was the Potter and was seeking earthen vessels with which He could work. The vessels would first have to be emptied of their contents in order to carry pure water to be offered to those who thirst. He asked if I would like to be such a vessel. And so after hearing Him, I took in His words and went with Him.
When I loved others, was compassionate toward others, and placed others before me, I did so out of pride. I wanted to reach Peace on my terms; however, in order to reach true Peace, I would have to follow the Potter and His ways, not my ways. His way is the way of the Cross; His way is to love God first and to seek Him, in essence, to deny myself. To be emptied of myself and be filled with God Himself.
So to answer the question of why Empty Vessels? Because it is the story of what happened and continues to happen after following the Potter.
Note: Although the story is an allegory of what I was and am now, it represents the spiritual truths of what I was truly doing before I came to the feet of Jesus and what happened when I decided to follow Him.
The following video is another great representation of what happens when we are brought from death to life.
After some time, though, I noticed that this bridge was not reaching the other side, for the more that I added to this bridge, the more distance I needed to cover to reach nirvana. I tried loving others, I tried being compassionate toward others, I tried putting others before me, but this bridge was not closing the gap! What was I to do?
Crying in desperation, I failed to notice the apparition of a light that was approaching me steadily. The first question I thought was: what is this light? Then, almost instantaneously, it came upon me that I was building the bridge in the dark - no wonder I was not advancing! As the light came closer to me, I noticed there were forms (on what I perceived was the floor) in the shape of potato sacks all around me. I also noticed that my bridge, the bridge on which I had spent my life, was non-existent - it wasn't there at all! Nothing made sense. What were my hands feeling when I was building? And what were those sacks around me?
The light continued to approach me and my eye sight was much better, so much so that my eyes were showing me what I was surrounded by - death. The potato sack forms were people. Worms were crawling out of their mouths, cockroaches coming out of their ears, green mould on their skin. Fear invaded me. I was among the dead and now this light was almost upon me; it would surely kill me (if I was not dead already).
In front of me stood a simple and gentle Man. His hands were dirty, they were covered in clay; yet, I was able to see very clearly that both hands had scars, well defined scars. I feared He would speak and that His voice would kill me, but when He spoke to me it was like the sound of soft rain: gentle, soothing, cleansing. He said He was the Potter and was seeking earthen vessels with which He could work. The vessels would first have to be emptied of their contents in order to carry pure water to be offered to those who thirst. He asked if I would like to be such a vessel. And so after hearing Him, I took in His words and went with Him.
When I loved others, was compassionate toward others, and placed others before me, I did so out of pride. I wanted to reach Peace on my terms; however, in order to reach true Peace, I would have to follow the Potter and His ways, not my ways. His way is the way of the Cross; His way is to love God first and to seek Him, in essence, to deny myself. To be emptied of myself and be filled with God Himself.
So to answer the question of why Empty Vessels? Because it is the story of what happened and continues to happen after following the Potter.
Note: Although the story is an allegory of what I was and am now, it represents the spiritual truths of what I was truly doing before I came to the feet of Jesus and what happened when I decided to follow Him.
The following video is another great representation of what happens when we are brought from death to life.
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