We have been studying on Wednesday nights the book of 1 Kings. Last time we met, we studied how the Temple was built by Solomon.
Of interest was the very ornate and high value materials that were put in building the Holy of Holies. What spoke to me the most was the fact that this room was incredibly beautiful, the carvings on the wall and then layered with gold, and only one man got to see this once a year. The rest of the children of Israel did not see it, only the priest whose turn it was to go in to the Holy of Holies during Yom Kippur. Who saw it all the time and every day?
The room was decorated for the Lord, for that is where the ark of the covenant was placed and was to reside. The question now is, when we bring forth our 'creations' (be it a song, a picture, a poem, a word) are they for other men to see or are they for the Lord to see?
I ask the Lord to give me a heart that only works for what He sees, and that the fruits that my hands bring forth are not for others' eyes but for His eyes.